Jerry Lewis eats the show in an evergreen parody of the classic sci-fi tale of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
4 April 2024
The Nutty Professor (1963) : Brief Review -

Jerry Lewis eats the show in an evergreen parody of the classic sci-fi tale of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Robert Louis Stevenson's gothic novel Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has been adapted for many films, but my personal most memorable experiences were Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) and its 1931 remake with the same title. The Nutty Professor is a parody of that classic tale, with some modern plantings around the character. The protagonist/antagonist and his love story both get a positive ending here, leaving the horror touch away by miles. Thankfully, it doesn't lose its sensitivity, despite trying the other side of the story. In those horror flicks, the main character destroys himself, leaving us with a message not to mess with nature's laws. In this parody flick, the character revives himself and teaches us to love ourselves just the way we are. Let me tell you how Jerry Lewis ate the show here. Unlike the regular case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where the second personality is exactly opposite to the good one, the second version here seems to be enjoying himself without hurting anyone-at least physically. A sense of storytelling is too good here because the character he transforms into is something that everyone of us would want to be for a while. Not for a lifetime, but we all have that fantasy of living a fearless life, even if it lasts only for a while. Both characters are written well, with a lot of humor and hilarious gags. The language, the punches, the music, attitude, social sense, and personality he throws are very modern (for the 60s, I mean). His ego is something you adore, when generally you know ego is one of those things you should hate in anybody. The female also suffers from the same illness, and that's why it becomes more relatable. As a whole, it's a blockbuster entertainer and is unlikely to get old anytime soon (I am saying this after 6 decades, mind you).

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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