Waiting... (I) (2005)
This Movie Gets Me So Well
2 April 2024
Perhaps one of the most relatable movies I'e recently seen would have to be the 2005 cult indie comedy Waiting...with Ryan Reynolds. Marking the directorial debut of former restaurant worker turned filmmaker Rob McKittrick, the movie was not well received critically but did well enough at the box office to garner a cult following. Looking on it nowadays, this is one of the most relatable comedies I've ever seen speaking as a former restaurant worker.

The movie centers around the restaurant staff at ShenaniganZ who all go about their lives differently. There's the clueless boss Dan, the smooth talking lead guy Monty, the young guy Dean who feels like his life is passing by too soon, the flamboyant waiters, raunchy cooks, and eccentric bus boys with all their bizarre personalities. Anyone who has worked in this type of restaurant environment will be able to relate to many of the character's frustrations and insecurities, including the pressure of facing a job opportunity you don't want like assistant manager, putting up with college door room pranks in the kitchen, dealing with miserably petty customers who care less for the staff than their food, and general rage venting up from years of back breaking labour with little change in scenery. The movie is arguably at its funniest when it depicts these scenarios and it's all the more enjoyable as a result.

Now since this film was made when the post American Pie gross out shock genre was still going on in adult comedies, some of the film does often rely on juvenile humor that can range from disgusting to borderline homophobic to even questionable by today's standards. Considering that there is a subplot relating to Monty and Dan hitting on the soon to be 18 year old hostess Natasha, much of the content outside of the waiting and food prep scenarios might leave a sour taste in people's mouths depending on your sense of humor. Fortunately, the general cast consisting of Anna Faris, Justin Long, David Koechner, Robert Patrick Benedict, Luiz Guzman, Chi McBride and especially Alanna Ubach as the foul tempered waitress Naomi and Dane Cook as the crudest cook Floyd make up for any gag that goes nowhere they're so funny in the film. It's saying how relatable these characters when the quiet trainee Mitch gets his time to shine at such a crucial point in the movie's third act.

As this is a fairly low budget indie flick, the actual filmmaking is most reliant on standard editing to keep the flow of transitions smooth and reliant on the lunch and dinner rushes. In addition, the actual food shown throughout the movie looks appetizing enough to warrant future viewings solely for the cuisine alone, even during otherwise grossly contaminated punchlines. Of course, being a mid 2000s adult comedy, the soundtrack will instantly be dated yet fun to listen to, as nearly every number fits the scene well enough without feeling distracting. Perhaps some scenes can feel a bit too abrupt to let the song sink in on first watch, but you'll still get a bang out of the soundtrack regardless. Without feeling too try hardy in its content, this feature feels right at home as a time capsule at a time when you could get away with a lot more in adult comedies than you can nowadays.

Yeah, Waiting...is as crass and juvenile as any other raunchy comedy of its time, but its central restaurant setting lets the story, primary humor and characters feel far more relatable and endearing than they could've been from a lesser setting. Sometimes, the best way to make these kinds of movies work is if the filmmaker themselves actually worked in those environments, at least so the audience won't have to. I'd say it's worth at least one viewing after nearly 20 years later, much like when you try out any other restaurant you'e never been to.
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