Enjoy it on its own; do not compare it to Sorcerer (1977)
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have just watched Sorcerer (1977) - available for free on YouTube - and this movie, back-to-back. They are two completely different animals, so comparison is really futile here.

I can still enjoy this movie on its own, but I need to point out a few things that massively irritated me:

1. Dead cops left laying outside of Fred's boss villa: Really? You kill a number of policemen and you just leave their corpses lying all over the place? You don't even bother to quickly hide their bodies out of sight?!

2. Canister explosion at solar farm: Alex is supposedly an explosives expert, yet he casually and non-chalant-ly just leaves a nitro canister lying around in the open like that so that anyone can trip it over and cause a massive explosion?!

3. The final sacrifice by Fred: Clearly the truck could've been thrown at the fire with no one present behind the wheel; this final sacrifice was not really necessary but obviously it was done for dramatic effect, to give Fred a redemption arc with Alex.

Last but not least, I kept being distracted by how much Franck Gastambide looks almost exactly like Thierry Henry! Uncanny.
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