A Touch Of Mad Max
30 March 2024
The Wages of Fear: An updated version set in an unstable Middle Eastern country which has gone through a coup and is now facing another uprising. An oil well in the middle of the desert is surrounded by a refugee camp. We're really in Mad Max territory here, a car is pursued by a semi with a machine gun on top, the car safely reaches the camp, the semi is pursued by warriors on horseback. The oil well is hit by a stray bullet and catches fire. Corporate types hire two brothers to transport explosives and blow the well quenching the fire. One brother is at the camp, the other has to be sprung from prison (there's a complicated back story told through flashbacks). An OK action film with many thrills and spills, back stabbing and typical multinational cynicism. The tension is maintained well enough and you do wonder who is going to survive as the brothers accompanied by mercenaries encounter rebels, bandits and a minefield, The convoy around the explosives trucks certainly starts to shrink, Good though this thriller is it will inevitably be compared to Sorcerer and the 1953 The Wages of Fear, sadly it's not up to that standard, Well worth watching though. Drive safely! Directed by Julien Leclercq, Written by Leclercq and Hamid Hlioua. On Netflix. 7/10.
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