Sense & Sensibility (2024 TV Movie)
punishing Jane Austen
27 February 2024
A big ugh.

Period pieces or contemporary versions based on classic novels etc - are great when they are done well and are respectful to the original material and time period and if changed and "updated" provide plausible context for the changes.

The 1995 Pride and Prejudice, Doctor Thorne, Downton Abby are examples of terrific period pieces.

On the opposite end, the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice, Anya Taylor-Joe's Emma, CW's Reign among many others were just horrid...

This Hallmark version of Sense & Sensibility was sad and bad on all levels. Felt like a high school student trying to make an "updated" film.

The anachronistic concept did not make sense to begin with.

Why not use the story line and do something in a believable circumstance and setting?

If wedded to a "period piece" then how about changing the setting to, for example, early 1900s USA?

Or do a modern version like Clueless (Emma)?

The actors seemed miserable..

And completely weird to have Dan Jeannotte as the hero here.

If the point of the production was to recast, then Edward should have been played by a Black actor - so many talented Black British actors like Alfred Enoch or Ashley Walter or Gary Carr to name a few.
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