No particular set of skills necessary revenge flick
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Our main character Harry has witnessed the death of his wife and daughter as the result of a hit and run accident. Those responsible are a group of gangsters who were in the getaway vehicle fleeing an armed robbery.

Five years after their death, Harry is working as a custodian in a church. He is suicidal and a broken man. One day, he receives a letter from a private investigator saying he has a lead on the identity of the men.

From there Harry, who is clearly not skilled in such, decides to extract his vengeance on the men. This is not a simple or easy task for him. Along the way he is wounded several times, including multiple stab wounds and being thrown off a balcony in the church. However, in the end, he is successful in taking out the bad guys.

I thought the best part of the movie was, especially in comparison to something like "death wish" where the lead character was an architect, Harry stays true to being an Everyman. He is hesitant in shooting and he certainly makes mistakes not "finishing the bad guys off" which nearly costs him his life.

The movie was obviously a low-budget affair, and there were a few scenes where the director tried to become too artsy - particularly with the flashbacks. Some have suggested that the movie was a "death dream" and point to these flashbacks, but I just think it was amateurish film making as also demonstrated by characters flying every time they got shot, and the way the credits and titles were done in the movie. Now, maybe the director has come out and said "yes, I was trying to make this ambiguous" ... but it certainly seemed to me it was just overkill in selling the idea that he was getting vengeance. Similarly, I felt like the ending was pretty clear that he lay down on the grave and was going to kill himself to join his wife and daughter, but instead he "left them go" and stopped holding on. His going to meet the woman on the beach by the cliffs 100% shows that he chose to keep on living. Conversely, if he had gone to "heaven" he would be with his wife and daughter.

I gave this movie a 7 out of 10. In looking at the score on IMDB it's currently at 5 which I think is too low because it's much more entertaining and enjoyable than that. On the other hand, this thing has a tone of user reviews from back in 2021 which mostly rate it as an 8 (some 9s and 10s) that are just a wee bit too high...with some almost seeing fake. It's a solid movie for a low budget picture. Seven is a very respectable, and accurate, score.
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