Migration (I) (2023)
What are we to make of the "Black" accents of the pigeons?
7 January 2024
I went to see MIgration this evening because I had been stuck in the house for several days with a bad head cold and wanted to get out. I had seen the big hits at the local cinemaplex, so I was left with a few horror films that didn't tempt me at all and this, Migration.

I found most of it pleasant but uninteresting. I was mildly aggravated by the dad character who had no sense of imagination, at least to begin with. I was surprised there wasn't a scene where he refused to ask for directions and got them all lost.

The one episode that mildly bothered me was the one with the pigeons in New York City. Dad starts by calling them dirty vermin. (He learns later to have respect for at least one of them.) They speak with what sounds like an urban, i.e. Urban Black accent. Why?

I have no idea.

But I didn't care for that element of that episode.
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