Clever and well-acted.
27 November 2023
DREAM SCENARIO is a very interesting movie that could generate a lot of post-viewing discussion. It asks some interesting questions about celebrity & "cancel culture." It did occur to me afterwards that the movie is completely ridiculous and posits a scenario that is beyond impossible, and thus, spending a lot of time talking about its implications seems a bit silly. But, I err on the side of it being a worthwhile intellectual exercise. To say nothing of being a terrific showcase for Nicolas Cage.

Cage is Paul Matthews, an aging, balding (and apparently always cold because he wears gigantic, ill-fitting coats throughout the film) tenured professor at a modest college. His students pay little attention to him (even though, to be honest, it seems like he's a more interesting professor than many I experienced myself). He leads a frustrating professional life. Early in the film, he has lunch with an very distant colleague who is preparing to publish a paper that touches on subjects that Matthews worked on decades ago. He feels these topics still somehow belong to him, and wants some credit for the paper. He mentions that he's working on a book on the topic...but it turns out he hasn't actually started writing the thing. It's an idea he has and apparently has had for many years. He's a guy who imagines doing great or interesting things, but it will never happen for him. We meet his loving wife (Julianne Nicholson, always under-rated) and his doting daughters. From the viewer's perspective, he's a bit of schlub. An uninspiring instructor, eaten up by his own failures, and sadly unable to see that his great family really means he's got it pretty darn good. Nice house. Nice kids. Nice wife.

But he's a bit clueless. And when he suddenly starts appearing in the dreams of millions of people around the world, he becomes a clueless celebrity (or at least, cultural phenomena). His classroom is full of people who want a selfie with him. He's on the news. He's written about. He's beloved. And he's done nothing to deserve the positive accolades. For some strange reason, he is a background character in the dreams of millions of strangers. He just hovers there, really doing nothing. But just the fact that he's at the center of this weird thing makes him popular. And when talent agents come calling, he sees his opportunity to get a book deal.

But then, things go abruptly wrong, and he goes from saint to demon overnight. None of it is his fault, but he's suddenly a pariah. And he handles it very, very badly...putting at risk everything good in his life.

It's all so unfair. Paul did NOTHING to make these dreams happen. The "character" he is in the dreams bears no resemblance to his true persona. He is right to rail against his vilification. Yet his own unpleasant character traits tee us up to NOT sympathize with him. Does he have it coming? Did his own flaws somehow taint his benign dream persona? Why doesn't the public understand that the dream Paul and the real Paul have nothing to do with each other?

It's all very interesting, and Cage makes it all matter thanks to the best performance he's given in some time. With this movie and the excellent, over-looked PIG...Cage demonstrates his true acting chops. Yes, he's delightful in THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT, but even in well-received films like THE COLOR OUT OF SPACE, his performances are over-the-top and even unhinged.

Enjoyable...absolutely. But fine acting? No. He's always a bit broad in his performances, but DREAM SCENARIO harnesses his energy and spins Paul Matthews into a complex character we can understand and feel things about. The script is tight and energetic and clever and funny. The supporting cast (again, special kudos to Nicholson) is on the right wavelength. And the questions the film asks are very relevant in our time of social media, overnight sensations and overnight demonizations. It's a fun film on the surface, very much worth it for Cage's well-done work...but it also rewards some reflection and discussion. I heartily recommend it.
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