Thought provoking
12 November 2023
Others have put this film as 'hilarious' and I went expecting a comedy

I would not describe it as a comedy however, there was one scene I laughed out loud at .

I took this film as a metaphor for how people are arbitarily cancelled.

Cage put in a great performance as a professor 'cancelled' without any morale justification or evidence, and every one knows he did nothing wrong. I presume is an analagy to how 'the woke' arbitarily cancel others with a nod to hypocrisy at the end where ideas are then embraced.

Other than that, I'm not really sure what this film is about and in the last 15 minutes are so I was hoping it would end soon.

Would I watch it again ? No

It's quite a dissmal / dark film (in my opinion). Don't get me wrong, it is well made, well acted (particularly by Cage) and certainly an original idea.

I'm glad I watched it, but didn't particularly enjoy it 6.5/10.
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