Spooky Buddies (2011 Video)
2023. A Gen-X Review of a Decade-Plus Old Film That I've Never, Ever Seen Before
29 October 2023
This movie is adorbes times ten and I enjoyed it way more than I thought that I would.

This is what family films ought to be in this day and age.

Short and sweet.

And to be honest, the production value of this movie was way, way higher than I could have expected.

Especially for movie # 1,246 in the Air Bud universe, or Air Bud-iverse.

Full disclosure, this was my first Air Bud film.

Further disclosure, I've always had this strange cinematic bucket list to knock out all of the Air Bud films in order, like binge them all back to back (I guess aside from this one now).

There are so many of them.

But this for me could become a Halloween classic.

It's great for kids.

I really thought it'd be boring and look cheap.

It absolutely does not.

I think I expected something like The Puppy Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday but about Halloween.

Definitely it is not that.

Harland Williams is in it. And he's always great.

The voices of Tim Conway and Diedrich Bader.

Come on.

And then the cute doggies.

The movie just looks great.

The scenery and sets.


There's a beautiful owl in it.

And Jennifer Elise Cox who played Jan so wonderfully from The Brady Bunch movies in the 90's.

This is just a great Halloween holiday movie for the entire family.

Make it seasonal traditional viewing for you and your bunch.
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