The Nun II (2023)
Is it Me, Or has The Nun's Apperance Lost Its Shock Factor
18 September 2023
Knowing that Ed is present for the exorcism of frenchie and that's technically a pivotal moment in the relationship of Ed and Loraine (according to the films), and the look Irene gives Frenchy at the end of the film makes me certain we're due for a 3rd Nun film. I had a feeling this movie was going to be a bit stale. The design and appearance of the Nun creeping in dark shadowy halls in the film has lost its shock factor. And the increased exposure of the creature has decreased the menacing creepiness of the Nun. It always was more terrifying when all you were able to see was a silhouette of the Nun and the pale face. I give them credit as they've built a pretty solid story building to the exorcism of Frenchy. They've also found creative ways of adding these religious relics to the storyline as weapons against the demon. When they first released Annabelle people were really creeped out by the dolls lore. In 2023 it's looked at as a new age Chucky doll attached to a major film franchise. It feels like the Conjuring Universe is building to something huge. I have said for years it's building to a Amityville Film as a grand finale. But after this film and the inevitable third film, it's clear that the franchise might want to find a new horrific creature from the cases of the Warren's to add to the library of horror.
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