Lioness (2023– )
Noticeable quality, meaningful, suspenseful. Try it out
25 August 2023
In short: if you like intense and suspenseful shows that take you to beautiful locations throughout, noticeably fantastic writing and acting all around, spy shows, and shows centered around women in military, you'll like this a lot. Try it out!

Longer review: A new favorite of mine! Feels like I stumbled upon a gem. I love the meaningful writing and the layered characters and the impressive, genuine, intense story! The settings and locations and action all take you on an adventure. On top of that, the music stands out in a big way which only screams quality. This show is a lot of fun to watch, and also I've never seen a woman-centered spy thriller show before. Very cool, it means something to me.

Why I watched: (1)Zoë Saldaña, (2)Morgan Freeman, (3)Military spy thriller.

My only complaints: (1)Can't binge immediately, (2)Wish the episodes were 1 hour each, (3)Wish there were more episodes than 8, (4)Want more time with Cruz and the mission.

I'm hoping for: (1)Season 2 with same and new characters, (2)More military tactical situations, (3)More action and "gasp" moments haha, (4)They don't kill off my favorites haha.

This is a show I will be recommending to people! 10/10.
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