His Only Son (2023)
Not biblically accurate. Lack of story building.
11 August 2023
The story is wrongly depicted and is not an accurate account of how God communicated with Abraham. First and foremost, the true God never directly appeared before Abraham in any shape or form, for God is a Spirit, (John. 4:24). Who has no flesh and bones, (Luke 24:36). And is invisible, (I Timothy 1:17). It was the voice of God which called out to Abraham in the opening of Genesis 22. Not a man appearing as God. Also take note, God said,... "You cannot see my face, for man shall not see Me and live" (Exodus 33:20). Furthermore, even the apostle John declared that "no man has seen God at any time" (John 1:18). Therefore, Abraham would have died had he gazed upon the true God, who is none other than the Father. Even Abrahams first encounter with God, what appeared before him were 3 Angels/ Messengers manifested in human form. (Genesis 18).

The movie failed short in its story development. It should have started with the build up of Sarah being barren and the promise of God to make Abraham a father with his first miracle child being Issac to build context to the story line that leads up to the ultimate test of sacrifice. A great opportunity was missed to tell a great story and struggles of Abraham and Sarah and the birth of their first child Issac, and how Issac was so special and dearly loved by Abraham to bring the story to full light. The story had so much potential, but unfortunately failed to deliver. The script was poorly written for a great cinema experience to bring the story of Abraham to life.

This movie is a far cry compared to the great story telling of "The Chosen" and the quality of its characters and delivery.
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