This is an uneven addition to the giallo genre that's a must see for fans of these pictures
7 August 2023
French Sex Murders (1972) is an Italian giallo that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a French prostitute who is murdered and her number one client is assumed to be the killer. The client escapes police custody but dies in a crash in the process. As the police start seeking whitenesses they would have used to testify against the now dead suspect, they find the whitenesses murdered (by a black gloved serial killer)? Can the police capture the killer and uncover the truth about the prostitute's murderer?

This movie is directed by Ferdinando Merighi (His Colt, Himself, His Revenge) and stars Anita Ekberg (Blood Alley), Rosalbal Neri (The Arena), Evelyne Kraft (Lady Dracula), Barbara Bouchet (Gangs of New York) and Robert Sacchi (Funland).

This is an absolute must see for giallo film fans, but it's definitely an inconsistent addition to the genre. The story setup is fantastic, as the opening "bloody wh@$&" sequence was intense. There was a lot of potential of this having a worthwhile plot. There's also some eyeball scenes in here that are awesome. But unfortunately, most of the horror elements are awful and dated. The decapitation and head bashing scenes were hilariously bad. The use of flashing lights didn't create the level of intensity the director intended. The fall at the end is awful. I will say there's plenty of nudity, sex scenes and gorgeous ladies.

Overall, this is an uneven addition to the giallo genre that's a must see for fans of these pictures. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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