A film based on exaggeration and lies. A film for an award
6 August 2023
People of the world who watched this movie, be aware that all these traditional customs that you saw in this movie, even in today's rural communities of Iran, are primitive and hateful customs that belong to a century or finally 30 years ago.

Today in Iran, if there is a dominant tendency, in most cases it is the tendency of filial piety and matriarchy.

Since our filmmakers know that feminist movements have the most attention, the most money, and the most influence in political and cultural circles, they falsely include these themes in their films to succeed and win awards at festivals.

A 46-year-old educated and well-read man tells you about these sentences. A man who is strongly against the political system ruling Iran. I have seen many urban families and rural families in different ethnic groups in Iran.

In cases such as the mandatory hijab or division of inheritance, women in our country are oppressed, but in more cases such as family financing, marriage duties, mandatory military service, workplace safety, and even sometimes custody of children during divorce, it is men who are under oppression and social pressure. Of course, in a case like family violence, women and children are more victims in some ethnic groups. But there are not a few men who are victims of family violence in urban and even rural communities.

Filmmakers do not have the authority to regulate these issues. This qualification belongs to those lawyers and jurists who do not have this possibility.

Today, in most countries of the world, it is men who need their rights to be protected the most. If the filmmakers have the honour and are not hungry for recognition and awards and want to create a real and lasting stream, they should address this issue.
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