Shortcomings (2023)
smug is never a good look
3 August 2023
Greetings again from the darkness. In the past twenty years, Randall Park has built an excellent acting career, likely best known as nice guy dad, husband, and restauranteur on the long-running TV series "Fresh Off the Boat". He also had prominent roles in the mini-series "WandaVision", "Veep", and the Ant-Man movies. Now taking his shot as a feature film director, Mr. Park sticks closely to the Asian community, while simultaneously taking a step forward by not emphasizing generational aspects and familiar cultural tropes. He's working from a script that Adrian Tomine adapted from his own graphic novel.

The film opens with Miko (Ally Maki, "Wrecked") and Ben (Justin H Min, AFTER YANG) watching the end of a film festival movie. It plays as a parody of the hugely successful CRAZY RICH ASIANS (2018) and leads to contrasting reactions and an argument for Miko and Ben. Miko is the curator of the film festival and is thrilled the movie received such positive audience reactions, while Ben, a struggling indie filmmaker, is totally offput by the film's pandering and mass appeal. We quickly realize Ben is a condescending jerk and Miko is fed up.

Ben manages a small arthouse movie theater in Berkeley and often has lunch at a local diner with his only other friend, Alice (a terrific Sherry Cola, JOY RIDE), who points out that his smugness doesn't play well with others. Alice is gay and laughs off her tendency to 'play the field'. Miko calls out Ben on his blonde, blue-eyed white girl fetish, and then soon after announces she is taking an internship in New York City, causing us to realize this movie is probably going to deal with Ben's road to redemption (hopefully resulting in a worthwhile human being).

With Miko living across the country, Ben seems to be at his most comfortable with Classic Movies and solo chill. He's a film school dropout with no filter and no sense of timing with his comments and critiques. Basically, he's not a likable guy, and we see this in his separate pursuit of two blond, blue-eyed white girls. He hires performance artist Autumn (Tavi Gevinson) to work the ticket booth at the theater, and has no idea how to deal with her emotional swings and artistic leanings. Things are even worse with Sasha (Debby Ryan), who is coming off a breakup with her girlfriend. Despite warnings from Alice to stay clear, Ben's pompous nature is once again exposed, leaving him all alone.

Ben's world changes abruptly when Alice informs him she is also moving to New York and invites him to come visit. He sees this as a chance to get back together with Miko, who has quasi-ghosted him since she left. When Ben arrives, he finds Alice living with Meredith (Sonoya Mizuno, EX MACHINA) in a serious relationship, and stumbles on Miko in a situation that causes confusion, and of course, conflict. Leon (Timothy Simons, "Veep") is a NYC fashion designer with an Asian fetish plays a key role in this segment.

The film is billed as a comedy, and while there are some funny moments, there is actually a sadness throughout ... most of it related to how most everyone is searching for love while trying to avoid loneliness. During this search, we are often our own worst enemy (Ben being the prime example here). The message here is that while we are all flawed, one can only find joy once they sincerely enjoy the happiness of others. Watching Ben's journey is not always a pleasant viewing experience, however his story is well told.

In theaters beginning August 4, 2023.
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