Peaceful love and deadly war
29 July 2023
The two biggest reasons for seeing 'A Walk with Love and Death' were seeing father and daughter John Huston (as director) and Anjelica (in the lead role and her film debut) collaborating together in the first of three films. The others being the infinitely better 'Prizzi's Honor' (which garnered Anjelica a deserved Oscar win) and 'The Dead' (John's last film). Have loved Anjelica ever since 'Ever After: A Cinderella Story', a film still close to my heart, and John directed a number of classics such as 'The African Queen', 'The Asphalt Jungle' and 'Treasure of the Sierra Madre'.

Neither are at their best here by any stretch. Did like the concept for 'A Walk with Love and Death' and really wanted to like it considering my love for Anjelica and John, but this was one of those difficult to rate and review films. And this reviewer has always had a bit of a nightmare summing up her thoughts on films that left her mixed or/and conflicted into a review, and it is going to be obvious in this review. It is a contender for Anjelica's worst performance and when it comes to John's filmography it is a lesser effort (nowhere near as poor as 'Phobia' though).

'A Walk with Love and Death' does have good things. It is beautifully filmed with sumptuous costuming and settings that are very evocative of the period. Which is given a very intriguing and uncompromisingly unpredictable depiction in how it deals with social disruption. The music score is very haunting and dream-like.

Did think that a good job was done showing how combat and chaos was like at the time and what is shown is very realistic and not for the faint hearted.

Having said all of that, there are a number of strikes against 'A Walk with Love and Death'. Both Hustons are out of their depth, particularly Anjelica whose inexperience in acting and reluctance in doing the film come through loud and clear in a very wooden performance. John's direction is lethargic and lacks cohesion, there was a real sense that he had no idea what to do with the material which he was not at ease at. Assi Dayan does fare a little bit better in the acting stakes, but still is stiff and out of place and he has no chemistry with Anjelica.

Furthermore, 'A Walk with Love and Death' is very sluggishly paced from dragging out a pretty slightly plotted story, managing to make the already overlong length feel longer. Because of the sprawling all over the place structure the film lacks cohesion and at worst is borderline incoherent. The script is pure self-indulgence and over flowery, trying hard to be poetic and thought provoking but sounding like gibberish instead. None of the characters are fleshed out that well.

In conclusion, something of a moderately intriguing failure to be seen as a curio. 5/10.
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