The Star Wars of this Generation
28 July 2023
We have been subjected to franchise upon franchise of half baked member berries and re-imaginings over the past years that something original and with heart is desperately needed.

The way Disney has treated Marvel and Star Wars is shocking and a rant for another place. But through the wreckage, James Gunn has somehow retained the heart of iconic directors such as George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

Finally after years of bland superhero movies and writers who care more about their personal agenda over storytelling, we have the third in the trilogy which should be known as the Star Wars of our generation.

Guardians of the Galaxy got side-lined in the larger Marvel project and didn't get the praise and promotion it deserved.

As a stand - alone trilogy, the James Gunn Guardians of the Galaxy is a wonder.

It has loveable characters, great action, compelling story and satisfying resolution.

This should have been a blockbuster of the year. Unfortunately, the poor Marvel movies that proceeded it created a general sense of Marvel underwhelming.

People who may have loved to se this in the cinema were apathetic because of the terrible movies produced since Disney got hold of the MCU.

Watch it. Love it. As a trilogy the Guardians of the Galaxy should become a loved phenomenon to sit along side Star Wars in our go-to Sci- fi action adventure movies.
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