Review of Afire

Afire (2023)
Why just 7 stars average and just one review? it's a really good movie!
21 July 2023
This is a really good and well made movie and somehow reminds me of French movies and Francois Truffaut to be specific.. I was first drawn to the music in the trailer and had a feeling about the film's delicate sensitivity and that I would like it. My intuition was correct. The main character is such as interesting leading man, interesting because he isn't a typical protagonist, not particularly attractive, nor charismatic, rather insecure and uncomfortable. For some reason I completely related to him and a viewer would care about what happens to him. (At least I did). (Something important in any good story line). .He is so quiet and yet one senses so much passion inside of him. (I will give no exact details as that would result in "spoilers".) Put it this way. He has written or at least is working on a book and very much hopes it will be approved of by his editor and others. This seems to be his major preoccupation and I think how he sees it as potentially affirming his very self-worth and existence. His connections to the people around him seem to shift though out the movie, and one can see his sense of how little he can control or even predict, as if the world and its people are floating and interacting around him. (I just love movies with shorelines of sandy beaches and long wide shots of the sea. Maybe that's why I gave it 10 vs 9 stars! ) There's much more to the movie than this, but I think you should watch it and see what happens and why it is called Afire. No spoilers here.
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