18 June 2023
I loved into the spiderverse, it had great animation, great characters, great plot development and great music. There is simply no way across the spiderverse is better. By the end of this it felt like they were dragging it out and I had lost interest quite some time previously. The animation is good but sometimes less is more, and there was less differentiation between the styles, I don't think bill sienkiewicz was involved in this one. I remember my emotions building in the first one, peaking when what's up danger kicked in in the soundtrack, but this got into some schlocky emotional teen drama territory that made me yawn. I also felt it was a bit cynical to split it in two, I'm sure the full story could have been told in one movie which would have upped the quality of the animation too. Then there was the sense of universal danger overload that this and other stories revert to to ramp up the drama; whether a universe or every parallel universe and it's uncle is at stake, who cares, trying to make it bigger than before doesn't increase drama, that comes from character and plot development, yeah, like it did in the first one. It needed more jokes too, nowhere near as funny as the last time.
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