Para-Abnormally Para-Boring Para-Idiotic Non-Activity.
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sitting through 95 minutes of this rubbish was a chore comparable only to the mind-numbing school-years tedium of having to survive 6-7 classes a day without voluntarily smashing my head against the desk.

1. Predictability. The plot goes exactly as it's "supposed" to, which kills 99% of the "potential" suspense. The writing is so pi$$-poor, it allows even the most dim-witted viewer to figure out things in advance, let alone intellectual giants like myself.

2. Stupidity & Lack of Logic. Despite there being tons of footage proving the existence of weird phenomena, the teens barely show any of it to the adults, nothing to the police, or to anyone else. This absurdity especially applies to the 2nd half, when this becomes a huge logic hole, like an elephant in the room, an unintentional running joke that crushes this dumb film like a cow stepping on a tiny sea-shell.

3. Downer Ending, a foregone conclusion. If you know not only the plot in advance, but also the ending, what is the actual point of the movie? Certainly not to immerse oneself in its visual brilliance - because this junk has the same ugly "realistic" photography as all the other found-footage flicks.

Nor is there a soundtrack to enjoy. There is literally no point in following the plot because it is laid out at the beginning, and in previous films of this dumb franchise.

4. Characters. The blonde actress is the only good thing about the movie, though her character fails to inform anyone but her useless Emo-hair boyfriend of the plethora of stuff that's going on. She's got all this amazing footage, tons of it, enough to make headline news across the world - let alone convince people she's in danger - yet during almost a fortnight none of it is shown to anyone but her beta orbiter loser.

The kids. They are way too similar hence can't even be distinguished during the long shots. The "evil kid" is totally boring, unscary, abysmal. Crap acting, utter joke of a character. Even kids used to be better actors, once upon a time when movies sucked much less.

The adults. Knives falling out of nowhere and a 15 year-old almost getting suffocated in a garage mysteriously full of fumes - these are just some of the bizarre/extreme events that these people just don't seem to give a damn about. If they don't then why should the audience?

5. Direction. It's abysmal. Everything is about SMASH, BANG and BOOM, dumb loud noises, because these "film-makers" have zero creativity or sense of what makes horror work and what doesn't. This crappy phoned-in sequel is full of overlong non-motion shots that are meant to increase tension but end up being totally ineffectual, partially due to extreme repetition, partially because we know that every such scene will end in a loud thud. Whether that thud is a book falling or a chair hitting a wall becomes irrelevant.

6. Absolutely pathetic ending. Nothing's explained, demons just kill, we don't know why, what they want, who they are, and everything goes as "planned", hence zero tension, no surprises. In fact, I typed out this review during the last 15 minutes of the "movie". I was that bored.
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