I can't explain why I didn't like this more
21 April 2023
I haven't seen any of the previous Evil Dead movies. I judged this solely on its own merits. It's well made in many ways. It starts with a really cool opening scene that had my jaw dropped. And an epic opening title shot that reminded me of Fury Road's.

The entire movie is so loud and bombastic. You could say the same about the violence. It's brutal. I love that they take full advantage of the R-rating. It doesn't hold back. I liked all of the kill scenes and carnage.

So why didn't I like this more? I have no idea. I was having a decent time. But I wasn't fully engaged or attached. My mind wandered a couple times. I didn't care about the wellbeing of the characters. It doesn't feel like something I will revisit. There are a few dumb moments but nothing too egregious. I just wasn't that into it.

(1 viewing, opening Thursday UltraScreen 4/20/2023)
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