Thought-Provoking, Funny, and Touching
1 January 2023
Yesterday, the last day of 2022, a Saturday my wife and I decided to go to the movies to spend an afternoon out together. So I pulled up the local movie theatre to see what was playing and this was showing (English version) and the other movie with the blue aliens (we were not up for watching a 3 hour extravaganza). Never heard of this movie so looked up the preview on IMDB and thought we'd enjoy it. Noticed it hasn't come out in the States yet, we're south of the border.

The movie is down to earth and incredibly believable. Tom Hanks carries the movie with his great charm and acting as an unlikeable cranky old man. No one wants to live in a community with someone like him hounding you ever day for every little thing.

As the story unfolds you see how unhappy he is with life with the injustices he went through that ultimately left him alone and unloved in a cold world and wanting to leave this world. Something too many people can relate to. I liked how at the end of the movie they leave a mention of the hotline number 988 for people contemplating ending their lives and need to talk to someone.

The movie had us laughing, the comedy is great, and it touches your heart as you see the new family that moves in is willing to put up with Otto's crankiness and show him love.

It is a good lesson for everyone. We should all be good neighbors to each other. And usually there is a reason behind the pain and the bitterness in a person. And patience and love can break through the rough exterior and find the good in a person that is crying out for attention and love even when they don't act like it.

What a great movie to end the year to, we're glad we saw it at the movies and I just wanted to come and add a comment here for anyone wondering whether this is worth the watch. In my opinion it is. It's a movie that will leave you thinking, and pondering over it, over the human condition, and our relationships with each other. Not just a have a fun time and leave forget about it.
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