Review of Hunter

Hunter (I) (1984–1991)
The stupidest, most unremarkable 80s show with dull and unpretty leads!
28 December 2022
The stupidest, most unremarkable 80s show with dull and unpretty leads!

The male lead with the bald pattern maleness (or whatev'!) is has the personality of toilet paper. Except toilet paper serves a purpose. This, an actor? Huh! It's even more boring and idiotic than Hart to Hart. In fact, this makes me beg "WTF? Thought it was H2H now?" Because with Hart to Hart, you're watching 2 real life killers who pretend to be amateur sleuths. That takes balls! And their sh! T show is so bad it's good: at least you can make fun of their vomit inducing idiocy, the "darlings", Stephanie Powers standing there like a bump on a log, watching the bad guys kick the crap outta Natalie Wood's assassin. These 2 cold hearted bastards at least are good looking, have a nice house, clothes and there's the dog Freeway and Max. I hate it, but it's fun to hate.

This crap? Watchu looking at!? I can't believe there's fools rating this a 10/10. Are you relatives of these 2 useless actors? Did they ever do anything worthwhile with their careers after this shlock? The most astute review here complained that it lasted 7 seasons. HFS! (First word "holy", 2nd: F word, 3rd poop!) I had even less channels back then! No wonder I carry the resentment here, LOL!

The 2 leads are baldy with as much charisma as the underside of my truck and he's as exciting as the proverbial cliche of watching paint dry. The woman? Horrible to look at. Ok, so not everyone can be Jaclyn Smith, right? And I don't mind so much the big hair, it's actually prettier than today's "plastered on your forehead with grease" hair a la godforsaken KK reality fam, but that makeup! Applied with a spackle, caked on, in Los Angeles, bleeding grease in 10 min, the make up woman must have become a millionaire by working overtime, here.

Anyway, I can't tell you what the stories are about, because this puts me to sleep. WHY watch this? Inept directors, dull actors, bad clothes, impotent dark cinematography and on and on. The music is so boring you can't even notice it, as if it weren't there.

There goes baldy now running like a crippled girl. Seriously, he thinks that's how a cop runs towards an emergency, a woman in distress? WHO watches this besides the drunk and the drugged up? Cos only those can't tell a good show from a bad one.

Why leave a review when you hate it, you ask? (First I don't hate it, there's much worse out there. (I was gonna give it a 4/10 but it's already way overrated because people like me have long forgotten about this and probably don't get annoyed by the poor choices GET TV makes, like when they decided to air this garbage.) Because dumb fans need put in place! This ain't a fansite and, when you've got like 3 viewable channels out dozens useless ones (sports, foreign languages, news, politics, standard with woke garbage, etc.) and you don't feel like watching PBS and that slow guy paint, well, there is nothing to watch, you're bored out of your brains and you go "Hunter?? That crap show, unwatchable nonsense from the 80s? Sighs. Ok, I'll give it a go!"

Only to suffer the consequences which is mind numbing torture, here. We so many fun shows that only lasted 1 season and crap like this resurfaces and refuses to die. GET TV should air the fun shows, the one seasoners and put 4 back to back and loop them, instead of this unwatchable junk! Why no TV channel ever airs the greatest TV series EVER made, aka Zorro with Guy Williams?! It baffles the mind!

Tl;dr: I have no idea what this crap show is about cos I can't past 1 scene, so distracted I am by the stupid spackled on makeup of a "cop" and the boring leads. This is in the same league as Silk Stalkings. I can't believe I'm begging for utter (but less worse) garbage like Hart to Hart to come back, LOL!
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