Chain Lightning
27 December 2022
Ok, this has got to be one of the most bizarre examples of mis-casting that I've seen in an age. Bogart plays a test pilot for an experimental supersonic jet. It's got plenty of interesting aerial footage, certainly, but otherwise is a really mediocre romantic drama as he tries to keep the affections of girlfriend "Jo" (Eleanor Parker) whilst risking life and limb 65,000 feet up in the air. It also features a slightly contrived rivalry between himself and Richard Whorf; and Raymond Massey is entirely underused as their boss "Willis", leaving us with a slightly bemusing adventure film that needed a far younger man in the flying leathers and a much more robust script. Director Stuart Heisler offers the star little opportunity to show any of his usual charisma, and Parker is way off her best too. Maybe one for folks who are interested in the cinematic evolution of flight - even if there is a frequently irritating repetition of radio call-sign "over and out" style of dialogue - but of little interest to anyone else.
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