The More the Merrier
21 December 2022
Charles Coburn plays a government contractor who sweet-talks stuffy bureaucrat Jean Arthur into sub-letting part of her apartment to he, then serviceman Joel McCrea in a Washington, DC capital pushed to the limit on War-time housing.

Chuck is just adorable, the Macon born thespian (1877) awarded a Best Supporting Oscar, though, he's clearly the lead. With all due respect to Jean & Joel, Columbia could've cast their parts with any number of contract cuties but Charles Coburn is one in a million. If, as Winston Churchill said, Mrs Miniver was worth a fleet of "battleships," then Benjamin "Torpedo" Dingle most certainly rated a flotilla of efficiencies.

Director George Stevens lets his film drag (104m), Arthur's "Connie," though with prospects (she's got great gams), is turned into a blubbering, needy mess in complete opposite of the independent, career-minded gal seen in opening frames. Still, CC's performance is so pleasing you won't find it difficult to stomach all the silliness (3/4).
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