Goofy X-Games
14 December 2022
An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) is a straight to DVD sequel to A Goofy Movie (1995), and when it comes to straight to DVD Disney sequels, they are usually not good. But I thought An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) is not that bad of a sequel.

Goofy and his son Max are still likable characters and have a good father and son relationship. Having Max go to college was not bad of an idea, along with having a X-Games tournament he wants to win and to beat one of the popular teams in the games.

The animation for this straight to DVD movie is good, like the backgrounds and the character movements in the animation are not that bad, along with some nice shots of the background. The movie has some little funny moments, but sometimes it does not work all the time and can feel awkward when it happens.

The movie does have some emotional moments involving Goofy being upset at Max leaving for college and it does have some serious moments. There are also some scenes that are weird or random that I was questioning but it is not much of an issue, along with some 70's music being in this movie at times when certain scenes happen.

An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) is of course not better than the first movie, but it is not bad to watch if you did like the first movie. Like I have said already, this movie is not one of those bad straight to DVD Disney sequels it is fine to watch.
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