This did hurt
14 December 2022
This TV show is based on Adam Kay's book and speaks his truth about the experience of being a junior doctor in the National Health System in the UK. We see the lack of funding and resources, the tiredness and exhaustion among doctors and nurses, the burnout and catastrophic mental health consequences working in a broken system - not only for the frontline workers themselves, but their patients too.

The characters are faced with quick decisions on the spot, under pressure, lack of sleep, huge amount of expectations from colleagues and superiors. We also get a flavour (only a flavour) of the racism played out, the structural challenges in the system to call it out and the power imbalances between white people and people of the global majority. Racial abuse is an everyday phenomenon in the NHS - from patients, colleagues, superiors, and unfortunately the show doesn't even touch the level of its reality.

The series will be perceived differently by people in the UK who are familiar with the NHS, especially frontline health workers like myself. I felt angry and so disappointed with the system we work in. We are expected to work without appropriate support and supervision, burned out and often - like Adam - traumatised. Adam is going through a traumatic experience and there is no support for his mental health (or even acknowledged from his supervisors).

Ben Whishaw is outstanding in his performance, as the rest of the cast. It's definitely a show worth your attention!
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