Mr. India (1987)
Mission Unstated
5 December 2022
Vision Statements are Mission Statements when stated for to state it is to sell it for a vision that thereby also has to be stated in exchange of listing of both as market dynamics independent of proprietorship consequential if business has to be made, inconsequential if business has been made in monetary terms incompatible with Business Policy when Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy have to be reckoned with with every passing year if not in real time. Competencies engendered thereof have to be equivalently malnourished in security to survive in the mission untenable from point of view of the market when market is the benchmark and peremptorily inalienable from point of view of the market when business is the benchmark keeping market intact in the age of companies delivering food and medicines at the doorstep. The security established thus, when established as thus, can only be put down to kowtowing to the mission for survival shared in its shared upkeep demanding competencies enhanced not to survive as business but to persist in the business of survival relinquishing vision statements for vision unequivocal in focus to keep companies above the market and markets above missions stated in vision focused to keep Vision Statements above all in missions uncompromised as proprietorship undertaken thereby identifiable with every vision unstated in every mission unstated qualifying as lack of vision in the mission persisting thus.
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