Ironside (1967–1975)
A lesson of the value of life experience.
31 October 2022
Ironside is a remarkable series. Firstly it actually has someone disabled as the main character. This rarely happens over 50 years later. Secondly it delivers an unrivalled exposition of the value of life experience.

Ironside is almost omniscient. He displays insight that Sherlock would be proud of.

Ironside is confined to a wheelchair but he's more mobile than 90% of the world. His disability is incidental.

Ironside is a brilliant role model for anyone with any kind of disability.

As we get older we should aquire increasing amounts of life experience. Sadly the majority, sail through life and leave this world as naive as when we came in. Or maybe such people simply can't be bothered to learn.

Ironside as a series has brilliant psychology and behavioral observations. Another rarity.

Many younger people are inhibited by older people with significant life experience. That's understandable. When we are young we only have the text books to help us.

Within minutes of venturing into the real world we quickly realise that all of that stuff is effectively useless. Only real life gives us what we need.

This happened to me. Within 30 minutes of my first professional position when I was told that I had three weeks to save the life of a baby that was failing to thrive.

Panic mode set it and the real world hit me.

30 plus years later I've got maybe too much life experience.

Ironside as a series provides a model that other scriptwriters should pay heed.

I know why this is because of life experience.

Younger people will have to work out why for themselves.

Yes, I did save the babies life. Humans can learn very quickly when they put their minds to it!
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