30 October 2022
Who doesn't like magical, mystery, fantasy type movies providing they are done well and remain inviting and full of intrigue. Here, since we all dined on LOTR Jackson style, one finds themselves wanting to get into the mix or hit the ground the running but instead, we are introduced to tangent characters who move at a snail's pace. Instead of lavish sets, why not more of the mystery that is almost never ending in the realm of the rings-land. It reminds me of Star Wars & Star Trek where they cannot find something new and different in these fantastic places being portrayed. This is a must watch for fans. However, knowing what fans know, this is molasses until we get to the RINGS! Then, we are captured, involved and all eyes and ears are open to see how rings are wielded and the results thereof. It didn't get there fast enough for me. In all fairness, back-story has a purpose and if done right becomes as good or better as the main story. You be the judge as viewer, lover of fine tales & LOTR lore.
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