Terrifying to see everybody go about their days of menial tasks like nothing is wrong with the world.
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a thriller mystery film this was enjoyable. It probably overstayed its welcome though. Also relevant, I am a fan of Spock.

Living a full life of monotonous worker bees in somewhat synchronous routines is very much a terrifying realization. The idea that we all only exist as cogs in a machine and that our own individuality only serves to slow the progress of our society is definitely one we all come to in late stage capitalism. Where we all come to this realization gradually and sometimes fight against it, this film subverts that. They pretend everything is great and normal but once the people suddenly lose their humanity the survivors are the ones fighting back. Why should we all just pretend that working all day like machines is normal?

I also like the little hints of anti-conservatism sprinkled throughout. When Bennell jokingly says that Geoffrey might have turned Republican when Elizabeth was distressed I got a chuckle. And when Dr. Kibner was ranting about family values and the erosion of whatever it was very obvious he was already indoctrinated into the mindlessness. Good storytelling.

The thriller aspects of the first hour or so are pretty good and I enjoyed them. The second half turning into full out horror run for your life felt less interesting for me after about 15 minutes or so. Especially given the fact that there are so many ways to just leave San Francisco. Also have no idea how they group of four didn't realize earlier that they were all doomed and needed to get out sooner.

Really the horror aspects are almost entirely lacking but the mystery and thriller aspects are pretty good. I wish the film's last ~45 minutes or so of running around didn't feel like it dragged on.
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