Amsterdam (2022)
this an odd film but it is worth seeing.
12 October 2022
It was great to see a film that is not a horror or superhero film.

This is a film for adults or at least serious film goers.

But what sort of film is this? A mystery and a comedy and conspiracy drama.

I give no plot spoilers but anybody going to see the film because they like the city of Amsterdam will be very disappointed.

The ad I saw said 1930s set drama,which is true as far as it goes.

I found the film amusing and gripping.

It looks great,the production design and the costumes are great and should win awards.

The cast is great on paper and they all perform well.

Surely Bale is the best actor currently working?

Margot Robbie is great in this as well.

This is a good but challenging film.

Some viewers will wish it is not 3 kinds of film all at once but I do urge people to see it.

If people stop going to see non superhero/teen films the studios will stop making these sort of films.

It saddens me that this film has been a big flop,perhaps in time people will grow to love it?
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