The day of treating people like scum and expecting loyalty is over.....
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In 1950s London, a widowed cleaning lady falls madly in love with a Dior dress, deciding she must have one of her own.

After working to raise the funds to pursue her dream, she embarks on an adventure to Paris that will change not only her own outlook, but the very future of the House of Dior....

MHGTP (as what I'm calling it, the the epitome of a safe film. It's a cup of tea and a biscuit kind of film. You go into the cinema, and as soon as the film starts, you are greeted with a big warm hug of a film, Yes, it's predictable, and some of the ways that money crosses the titular lady is very hard to swallow, but you just cannot help but be drawn into the whole proceedings.

Ada is like a subliminal Nanny McPhee, getting people together, turning grumpy people into happier people, and of course, making Dior the fashion giant it is today. Everyday things then.

Manville is amazing as the titular Ada. World weary, but still happy go lucky, even though her life is in despair. So once she has ruffled through Anna Chancellor's wardrobe, she decides to go to Paris to get one of her own.

Of course, this is where the fish out of water story arc sneaks it's little head in. The Hoity Toity people in Dior (both buyers and staff), turn their noses at her, dismissing her for her working class routes. Enter Lambert Wilson to save the day, and in the blink of an eye, Ada makes friends with almost everyone, except Isabelle Huppert, whom she will save later.

And that's pretty much the film. Ada weaves her magic to everyone, apart from the Wino at the train station, or maybe that's a deleted scene, and she goes on her merry way back to Jason Issacs.

All in all, it's a great watch, with a really nice ending, and a top notch performance from Manville.
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