Little Demon (2022)
To many wild ratings
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First this is not for kids and hulu made a big mistake making it steamable by kids and children with out parental guides and warnings. The language coarse to say the least, violence and blood and way more nudity then needed (full bush) But the biggest thing is, it is not funny, and its not exactly cleaver. The animation style will immediately be recognizable and you will also see the rick and Morty aesthetic. But the story wanders around and while it takes some stabs at meta humor about how satans daughter might navigate todays teen world, Its just not much.

Again its not really that funny, and does not have the wit of rick and morty, IF they think this is a remake of Lucy daughters of the devil then they did a horrible job. Devil may Care which didn't get much of a run was better then this. Its really trying do be a rick and morty knock off but in a different way and I dont know if it was a conscious decision to scale back the humor or if he though teen age influencers doing black magic was funny enough. It isnt.

This shouldn't be a big thing except for Hulu making it seem like it was children friendly. But HEY! Publicity! I think when the hub bub settles down this show is not going to stand well on its own. Its not a 10 and its not a 1. But its also been done before much better.
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