Review of Dual

Dual (2022)
"You always kill the ones you love."
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not surprised by the relatively low IMDb rating for this movie here on IMDb, a '5.8' at the time I write this review. For this viewer however, I found the concept of the film highly original and totally whack. I'm sure the folks at 'Black Mirror' would be proud. I think the average person watching the film tries to look at it as a serious picture when it's really not meant to be. The situations and dialog are intentionally absurd to the point of being hysterical. The high water mark for me was when Sarah (Karen Gillan) was advised by her attorney (Darren McStay) to hire a combat trainer for a forced duel against her clone, having overcome a ninety eight percent probability of dying. Much of the dialog in the story is couched in deadpan black humor; the back and forth between Sarah and her doctor regarding the unaccountable two percent was brilliantly scripted. I also got a big kick out of combat trainer Trent's (Aaron Paul) suggestion of an alternate method of paying for his services. Come on now, you all know where you thought that was going now, didn't you? When it turned out to be hip-hop lessons, I thought I'd fall off the couch! Look, I'm probably not going to be able to convince the haters of this movie to change their mind, but if you come at it from a different perspective, you might find the story creatively amusing. There's also the uniquely double entendre'd nature of the title, since the 'duals' of the story are destined to 'duel' for the right of survivorship.

P. S. For what it's worth, I believe it was the Sarah clone who killed Sarah in the woods by poisoning her with the tainted bottle of water; note the look on the clone's face when she suggests taking a second sip. Sarah's car appears dented up and winds up marooned in the traffic circle at the close of the picture because the Sarah clone didn't know how to drive, admitting that she mixed up the functioning of the steering wheel with the brake pedal. Topping things off, she screamed her frustration because she was now trapped into living Sarah's life, one which she sought to change upon meeting Peter (Beulah Koale) and Sarah's mother (Maija Paunio), but realizing now she couldn't do it.
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