Hannibal (2013–2015)
Too slow for my liking
24 July 2022
This show is what happens when you have 2-3 hours worth of story in your hands but you want to really streeeeeeeech it to fill 30 hours so you will do everything you can do fill those 30 hours which will spread the story way too thin. In fact this used to be a movie and a fine one too. When they tried to convert it into a TV show they just ruined the whole thing.

You have yourself a show with 39 episodes where 35 of the 39 episodes are "filler episodes", every scene is filmed in super-slow motion, characters speak at a rate of 1 word per minute and take 6 minutes to finish a sentence, each scene is shown multiple times from multiple angles just to fill time and you get about 3-4 minutes of actual story development per episode where 40 minutes of each episode is wasted on filler stuff.

Also most murder cases shown in this show are way over the top, cartoony and caricaturish in nature. In what world do you have serial killers murdering 300-400 people to build a tower of dead bodies without getting caught or people performing "blood eagle" on themselves which is physically impossible to do on yourself? This show is supposed to be horror but it fits comedy more than it fits horror. I've laughed more times than I felt scared while watching this show.
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