Fascinating and challenging confrontation
19 July 2022
This documentary hosted by Matt Walsh has more style than expected, and Walsh holds back on the snarky hostility that marks his youtube videos.

He seems quite cordial in all of his interviews where the elephant in the room is that he expects many of the experts and professors to lie to him in one fashion or another. There is humor to be found in it and also moments that will engage anger from one side or another. It gets into the history of the current climate in regards to sex determined by chromosomes and gender determined by everything from environment to personal whim. Kinsey - it turns out - did not get his data from the general public but from prisoners. My only knowledge of Kinsey came from the Liam Neeson film. It might be worth keeping a notebook handy so you remember what to fact check when it is done. Might experimental or artificial hormones cause cancer after ten years of use? Is seven years after physical transition a crisis time for those who have undergone it? Is it considered transphobic to ask questions and find out what has gone wrong in some cases as one survivor claimed?

Some of the interview subjects must regret participating, because Walsh gives them plenty or rope to hang themselves. The doc does touch on various perspectives and seems to be interested in the truth, as opposed to Matt Walsh's truth or someone else's truth -- and that is enough to make some interview subjects visibly angry. Rather than paraphrase anything, from interviews with athletes to an interview with Jordan Peterson, or a discussion with Dr. Phil I'd rather say that were it up to me this documentary would be mandatory viewing in junior High School. There are people being persuaded by extreme pockets of the Inter-net that all is well with a myriad of claimed genders looking for affirmation and then there is the opposite insular bubble that might eagerly seek out this documentary for confirmation bias.

Preaching to the choir is not very productive, even if on Walsh's youtube channel there might be an advantage in appearing as insensitive as possible to reassure the more conservative viewers who are his bread and butter. This doc is at least walking a fine line because it is letting people react. Most of this movie was done already when Ketanji Brown Jackson was being questioned anticipating her appointment to the US Supreme Court and stated that she could not provide a definition of woman. Her quote, "I'm not a biologist" became a popular joke in unrelated youtube discussions. That clip is shown during the film's ending credits, having boosted the theme What is a Woman to a point where had the doc been made afterward more of those on screen would have had their guard up.

There is a case due for Canadian court for November 2022 where a father objected to his Thirteen year old daughter being scheduled for transition steps to be taken and he went to jail for mis-gendering her. People will draw their own conclusions about whether that sounds excessive. And whether it is better to have a few bold documentaries like this one or just have people walk on eggshells or play "Mindfield hopscotch" to borrow Tina Fey's term for discussion these days.
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