Resident Evil (2022)
4 episodes in and I'm not sure I can go on.. and it just lost a star rating.
14 July 2022
So firstly yes I am a huge resi fan I have stuck with the rough along with the smooth , read comics ,books , fan fiction , the first batch of movies that progressively worse , the CGI movies which are pretty good and the new movie which has the same or very similar issues to this .

However I am also a movie fan and will give Most things a watch and like to suspend disbelief and get lost in a good series or movie even if changes are made from the source material as long as they are for the better .

This series so far is just a check list for the modern audience , ticking all the culture boxes for the sake of it , which is tiresome now as it's every single movie or series that comes out it's not original it doesn't add anything they do it just because .

But let's remove that issue and go back to the resi franchise , if you took the name Wesker and umbrella out of this it could be any generic Netflix zombie show . Yes the creatures are cool but other than that it's pretty poor.

I'm not sure why we can't just stick to the lore , the characters and do it for the fans , even a prequel series in the arklay mountains would or could be awesome leading upto the Spencer mansion incident , but we get this mess.

The characters are bland and cliche , the story is pretty predictable , and whilst I'm all in for character building and story this tries too hard with what are pretty much boring cardboard cutout characters .

It doesn't know what to do with them either , jumping from the modern setting to the future it drags it's feet and becomes frustrating , and the pacing is all off , one minute you will be in what feels like a tense horror scene and the next something that belongs in a Nickelodeon teenage sitcom .

The resident evil games especially the earlier ones have always been a bit hokey and had weird and whacky characters but this series I think tries to have serious characters but just really poorly acted , and when a hokey character does come in it feels really cringeworthy .

Like i say at the minute I'm at a stage where I want to turn it off but IV commited so far and will force myself to the end to hope things get better and we get more ties to the lore and characters we all love .

The guys who are giving it 1 star and just blasting it I would ignore I was going to give it 4 stars but just as I was finishing up they have just shoehorned a character from one of the games in which felt tacky and awful and again had no purpose other than just because .
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