This is the new world order playbook!
12 July 2022
Here we have a film series that has been highjacked by New World Order activists following their silly Playbook!

Initially, 20 years ago, it was kinda fun to 'see' dinosaurs again, but evil, greedy men stepped in to mess everything up so that instead of a "Theme Park" we always ended up with a mess -- corrected by our "Heros".

This time, we are to accept dinosaurs among humans as common, accepted fact-of life! Can you not see the connection to Today? In this ridiculous dialog, they try to justify their half-baked nonsense by questioning whether Man has any more rights than dinosaurs to inhabit our Planet!

Nowhere did I see, in the 40 minutes I could stomach this miserable excuse for a film, did I see our Military trying to eradicate these creatures from a bygone age! ((Can we say Dinosaurs == 'Migrants'?))

Perhaps PITA has a problem with hurting fake animals! Who knows?

It's not the actors, or the Producers at fault here -- it is the miserable, phony, fetid, disgusting SCRIPT that is at fault. I've also lost ALL respect for the actors, many of whom are from previous "Jurassic Park" films, who agreed to babble their lines for this tripe!

People are entitled to their sincere Political beliefs -- whatever they are. This film is extremely blatant in its message of "Humans are disposable, and can be replaced" theme. Where are our 'Leaders' in this film? Nowhhere to be found; while of course the Elites continue to hide in their protected caves -- as they always will -- or as long as there are idiots dumb enough to accept scraps of compensation to protect them.

Go ahead, get some popcorn and watch this film -- you have been warned -- it is simply more brainwashing; so do so at your own risk. Try not to puke up that expensive popcorn you bought -- thinking you were going to be entertained!

One other reviewer writes that this film is "spiritless"; another writes "lifeless". Well of COURSE it is! These NWO people have no belief in God -- just in themselves and their money! This film is a darn-near CRIMINAL waste of anyone's attention!
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