I Am Mother (2019)
Typical Democrat-Ideology film
3 July 2022
Babies are ALL fed with Formula, right?

No baby EVER has a father, right?

That Formula just comes out of a tube. That tube stays filled and apparently lasts forever, right?

The ONLY plant you EVER need to grow, ever, is corn, right?

Food: it just comes from some unknown place in compartmentalized trays already warmed up for you -- just like a school cafeteria, right?

There will be no mother/father Family Structure ever, right?

If you need anything constructive done, why just go to the nearest 'robot' and ask, right? Then, wait for some robot-factory, like for the shipping crates shown here, preferably from China, to just magically show up.

Without robots, all you'd have would be those dead trees we saw in this film, right?

OK, I'll grant you, this is not a badly-made film. It has suspense, drama, action, and a quite minimal story. But that Socialist/Communist/'New-World-Order' garbage just creeps into EVERY single aspect of this film --- until I simply choked on all of it.

This film is intended for children of all ages who simply cannot "think"; there's no time to prepare food; we need to have pointless conversations with stupid robots all day long, right?

If this is anyone's idea of "entertainment", then I pity you. We do not require anymore garbage like this film. What we DO need is way much more about God, The Family, sustainability, sane treatment about what is required for survival, and more along these lines. Not this garbage.
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