A likable enough slasher that has a few drawbacks
24 June 2022
After a classmate's death at a track-and-field event, the rest of the team discovers a strange killer picking them off one-by-one which spurs the visiting sister of the deceased classmate to stay behind and investigate the series of suspects possible for the escalating series of grisly crimes.

Overall, this one was a solid enough if unremarkable slasher. Among the more likable features here is the highly intriguing storyline set up as a means of keeping the killers' identity a secret. The initial death of the student and the controversy surrounding the incident, ranging from the other students on the team who are acting quite unusual surrounding the death, the authority figures at the school worried about the general disrespect for them the students demonstrate and the bizarre family members who don't appreciate her coming back to visit them, give this a rather intriguing setup here. Since it turns out to require her to shift through the various suspects as a sleuth due to the abundance of red herrings keeping the real killer a genuine shock, this is a fun aspect to be had. As well, there's also quite a lot to like with the film's slasher features here which come off quite nicely as there are some solid chasing and stalking throughout here. The first stalking of the student in the wooded trail on campus is a rather suspenseful sequence that is nicely echoed in several false scares where someone comes up to an unsuspecting student before the reveal. An actual ambush on a student in the locker room preparing for a function ends in a nicely shocking death, while a creative double-murder at a dance party in the woods results in several rather fun stalking chases and brutal kills. The finale features quite a lot to like as well, with the brawling in the locker room followed by a series of chases in the woods which are incredibly un. Given the decent effects to bring the kills to life, this one comes off quite likable and enjoyable. There are some minor issues to be had with this one. One of the biggest drawbacks is the stutteringly bland pacing here that makes the film far longer than it needs to be. Not only does this run around ten-plus minutes than it should with such a simple plotline that doesn't really require it to be that much, but there are numerous scenes here that don't need to be there. Shots of the campus officer going around trying to scare-tactic unresponsive students into following the rules only to blow him off, the affairs of the sleazier members of the faculty, or the pointless dance party being held are just some of the scenes here that could've been trimmed for some quicker pacing getting to the slashing scene. The other real issue with this one is the rather unlikely scenario involving how no one notices the disappearances since it takes place over several days which would've required others to be more aware of what's going on so the

Rated R: Language, Violence, Nudity, and drug use.
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