BMX Bandits (1983)
Suitably enjoyable for a rather conventional kids' action-comedy
20 June 2022
You know, it's a small thing, but I can't remember the last time I watched a movie in which a group of characters embarked on a watercraft of any size, and made a point to wear personal floatation devices out on the water. It's a nice little touch! Put that aside, and the fact that A-list star Nicole Kidman makes an early film appearance at only 16-years old, and there's not necessarily much about 'BMX bandits' to make a major impression. This movie fits neatly into that niche genre of kids (or teens) hanging out, playing, and/or getting up to mischief, and in the process stumbling onto criminal activity that in one way or another they help to stop. Such pictures reliably have some gimmick that they latch onto for their premise - the title of this one gives it away - and of course we get mild, family-friendly action, stunts, tension, and humor. Cheesy, predictable, and filled with clichés and tropes, it won't be for everyone, but this isn't half bad.

Anyone who isn't receptive to such features, targeted for a young audience, won't find anything here to change their mind; the expected scenes that focus on the lead characters showing off on their "wheels" are especially kitschy. Still, it's well made from a technical standpoint, and the writing is reasonably decent. While the plot and characters are pretty standard fare, there's just enough intelligence and cleverness in the dialogue and scene writing to help 'BMX bandits' to feel fresh, and keep viewers engaged - not least for the climactic sequence, naturally. I like the original score, even if it's a tad repetitive at times, and the filming locations are excellent and well considered as they add to the construction of the narrative. Stunts are well done, scenes at large are orchestrated well, and director Brian Trenchard-Smith demonstrates a certain flair in some of the shots he puts together. And the cast are really quite good as they bring their roles to life - the kids, precocious and resourceful; the criminals, mean but bumbling; the secondary supporting characters, varying in their personalities and consistently built just to lend to the comedy.

Whether it's a chase or not, no few shots and scenes are filled simply with characters running or riding their bikes, and the frequency does get tired after a while. Whether on account of poor timing or just questionable arrangement generally, some moments are less than authentic or convincing, and sound effects ("whoosh!") are generally downright unnecessary as embellishments. All the same, this is a movie that only wants to entertain, and has no illusions about being anything it's not. For those who can get on board with the silliness, and the commonness - even with every possible weakness or shortcoming in mind, it's really fairly enjoyable. Except for diehard fans of Kidman or Australian cinema, or the very curious, there's maybe not any particular need to go out of your way for 'BMX bandits,' but if you happen to come across it, it's a sufficiently amusing way to spend 90 minutes.
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