Absolution (1978)
Intense Slow-Burn "Catholic-School" Psychological Thriller
19 June 2022
A Minor British Film with the Pedigree of Anthony Shaffer, Richard Burton, and Billy Connolly.

It got Lost in a Warp, was Ignored, Forgotten, and Suffered in "Public-Domain-Purgatory".

Bottom-Feeder Film-Buffs Discovered it in 1 of those "Mill-Creek" Marathon Cheap-Boxes with 49 Other "Sinners".

Given the Name-Recognition Involved it was an Easy Spot Among the Dregs.

Fans Shouted "Hidden-Gem".

It Also came with "Tags" for Gloomy, Religious Practices, a Dire, Dark, and Dour Screenplay and Presentation,

Many Seekers of the Obscure in Cinema Caused Ripples so Strong that Now the Movie has been 'Resurrected" on Blu-ray.

The Twisty Story, with Obnoxious, Sweaty, Students Rebelling Against Priest-Burton, Starting with Practical-Jokes Leading to Murder is an Intriguing but Slow-Ride.

British "Icon" (Sir) Billy Connolly's Film Debut.

Overall, a Bit Hard to Embrace with the Film's Grating Characters, Dark Meilu, and "Heady" Story.

It can be a Hard-Sell to those Accustomed too a More Gaudy, Gory, 70's Style Religio-Thriller after "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), "The Exorcist" (1973) and the Myriad of Imitators.

By 1978 the Trend had All but Exhausted and this Late Entry in the Sub-Genre was too Soft, too Little, too Late.

However, for Horror, Thriller, and Mystery Fans it's Definitely...

Worth a Watch.
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