Dancing Queen (1993 TV Movie)
Fully deserves restoring and upscaling
23 May 2022
Although cruelly under-length, this is still one of my favourite films of all time and it never fails to bring a lump to my throat.

I remember hearing, many years ago, that it was actually shot to give it the option of being released as a full-length feature film, but after it was edited down to fit the TV format, the extra footage was somehow lost in the studio. I have no way of verifying this, but it would certainly explain the rather hurried conclusion. It deserved so much better.

I can only think that it has never been repeated, simply because of the inclusion of a Gary Glitter song, which fits the scene perfectly and would be impossible to edit out. If it seems stupid simply to ban such an excellent film because of that there's a simple reason - there are some really stupid people in charge of these things.

You would also think that surely there must be a high-quality version of this in existence somewhere; surely they didn't get Helena Bonham Carter involved and then shoot it only on VHS?

In my opinion this is one of HBC's greatest performances; some people criticised her northern accent, but as I said before, there are some very stupid people about. I thought it was wonderful and I couldn't care less if if it can't be pinned down to a particular postcode.
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