Disappointing and surprisingly tame Exploitation film.
5 March 2022

I really wanted to like this. I knew it was low budget and forgive them for many things due to this.

The acting is passable, some stronger than others. Dialogue is pretty poor and unrealistic and desperate to appear natural.

Started strong. Opening scene with a beautiful women tied up and blindfolded. So far so exploitation right.......after the opening scene which gave me hope it starts to drag with the new characters taking ages to get to the woods. (After a cringe inducing scene in a cafe with a gun chewing idiot who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

Then scenes are just dragged out far too long and nowhere near as shocking as they think it is. A small amount of blood but no real gore effects as sleeve promised. I think the director thought he was being shocking with the scenes but they were really tame. Zero real threat or torture. No sexual assault or real torture at all except a few weak slaps.

The director thought he was making a powerful scene which blatantly stole from The Last House on the Left (itself an overrated mess of a film) but with about 1% of the threat or atmosphere of that infamous one scene.

The film needed better threat, better torture, some gore. More scenes like the start and end. Hey......maybe a plot? Ha ha Better camera work (bad shaky cam here folks) and less of the faux scratched film filter in it to try to be grindhouse. Ha ha Ends strong but about 35mins is just padding.

Watchable if nothing else but I wouldn't rush.

Luckily got it really cheap.
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