Review of Moonfall

Moonfall (2022)
If you take parts of 20 other movies and mash them together
4 February 2022
I'm a sci-fi junkie and I can enjoy a stupid, mindless action flick. I still find Armageddon highly entertaining to this day. I'm the kind of person who loves these kinds of movies. Except when they're complete trash like this one.

This movie is terrible and has almost no redeeming qualities. The only thing I mildly enjoyed was some cool-looking scenes of destruction. Even the space stuff, which is normally an automatic plus for me, added nothing. Maybe it's missing the feel of space that good directors like Christopher Nolan are able to capture. Or maybe it's because I didn't care about the story or the characters even a tiny bit.

Speaking of characters... what characters? They're all cardboard cutouts. You have zero investment in any of them. They spew lines of atrocious dialogue that sound like they were written by a computer program.

While watching this, I kept noticing different things copied from various movies. This is fine if the movie is well-made, or if the copying is just for a portion of the movie. But this movie is poorly-made, and the copying seems to make up the entire thing.

And while each of the movies it stole from likely delved deep into that concept, this movie just throws it in there as an afterthought. There are so many useless side plots. These are things that could have worked if they narrowed it down and focused on a couple.

This movie is really dumb. I kept trying to forgive the flaws and give it a chance, but less than halfway through I started laughing at the stupidity. I had to make sure I didn't laugh too loud in case someone was enjoying it somehow.

Seriously, I can't emphasize how dumb this movie is. Throughout. And I don't just mean the science and lack of believability, I can get past that. But very simple things like, for example, when a character tells another, "You're the only one who believed me." And I think to myself, "Wait... WHAT??? He didn't believe you and had security escort you off the premises." The movie is jam-packed with this type of nonsense.

In the end, if you can't, at the very least, deliver entertaining mayhem, then you have failed. (1 viewing, opening night 2/3/2022)
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