Moonfall (2022)
Hilariously bad, and kinda fun because of it
4 February 2022
It's been quite some time since I've seen a cast full of talented, well-regarded actors all give performances that are this terrible. To be fair, given this dialogue, I don't think any actor could have pulled off a good performance.

This screenplay was written by guys who have never talked to another human being before. Every line of dialogue is contrived and laughably on the nose, with exposition delivered in a way that sometimes makes Marvel's Eternals feel like a masterclass of writing.

The story has enough logical holes to fit the moon through. Convenience piles on top of convenience to make catastrophe possible, and then to help the characters survive the catastrophe. It's a script that can't withstand even the slightest amount of logical thought.

Moonfall makes just as little sense as 2012, and the characters are just as dull. But, in a way, this film is the more disappointing one because of how much better it could have been.

The character introductions and the setup for the emotional conflicts that these characters are experiencing with each other are actually compelling and somewhat competent. But the writers do NOTHING with these conflicts once they're established. Nobody learns anything; nobody actually overcomes anything or changes at all.

Not that a movie like this really needs masterful character development, but it at least needs something, ANYTHING to make us care and want these characters to succeed. But there's nothing.

Not even the visual effects are particularly good; they're certainly not bad, but no improvements have been made since the 2009 release of 2012, which looked groundbreaking at the time.

Still, I didn't hate watching this. I found myself mesmerised at how the filmmakers were literally dropping the ball every step of the way. If that sort of thing gives you enjoyment, then see this on the biggest screen that you can!
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