My Fair Lady (1964)
Brilliant and bah humbug to those that would say different.
28 December 2021
Now 53 I watched this for the first time in 40 years. I had seen it several times as a child but not since. What a masterpiece it is. My daughter wanted to watch it and I reluctantly complied. Damn it, I was surprised when I enjoyed it more than any other film in recent memory.

I note the recent resurgence of musicals. Probably induced by the pandemic, Trump and the general state of things. Well the makers of these new productions could learn much from the masters of the craft that made this film and its ilk. This was the end of a golden period in entertainment. A time when Hollywood acknowledged its function was to entertain and uplift the populace. A time prior to great sections of society taking political cues from celebrity entertainers.

To those pointing out the misogyny of many of the characters, let's not waste anymore of your time on this site and whip you straight down to Scotland Yard where your powers of detection will be undoubtedly embraced and put to good use. This film is set in pre WW1 England you pontificating Pratt's. Of course much of the dynamics between characters are abhorrent by modern standards. The unfairness of Eliza's lot is the whole point. Be it at the hands of Henry her father or her general station. She rises above it showing her worth is no less than that of the royalty she enchants. The fact that her happy ending is still one lacking in true acknowledgment of her as a whole and competent person is commentary on that time and also a nod to our own Eliza story as a society. That we have come so far as a society but yet have so far to go. Nonetheless like Eliza we should still rejoice in that which we have achieved. To miss this is to miss the whole point of the film. Do you really think these social matters were misunderstood by the creators and cast of this film? If you do, then you suffer from a grandiose assessment of your own capacity to appraise life and are probably either an arts student or an idiot.
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