Eternals (2021)
This Film lasts for an Eternity
6 November 2021
Marvel's latest entry to the MCU feels very self contained, and allow for Chloe Zhao to work with a large budget using her beautiful affinity for landscapes and nature at a large scale. The films story, plot, characters, and performances are all phenomenal the only issue with it is there's too much, and it's our first time with any of these people. For a film like "Ant-Man and the Wasp" which also contains a lot but we've seen them before and the stakes are quite low it's an easier ride. With this film, it's the first time many of these actors, characters, writers, and filmmakers have entered the MCU and while it's without a doubt thrilling and fun, the movie feels it's length and can leave some unfamiliar with the Eternals feeling bored (however I was ecstatic.) I'm excited to see where these characters go in the future and I hope Chloe Zhao is invited back to the table to tell another chapter, as I feel she has some ownership over these characters much like James Gunn to the Guardians. I almost wish the film were told in two parts as it is very similar to Dune in some ways, but take what we can get. Is this the worst of the MCU not by a long shot and it's crazy to see the Rotten score after viewing it, but I can't say I don't understand where some are coming from. If you're a fan of Marvel and are ready for some new characters, Shang-Chi might have been more your speed, but Eternals satisfies in ways that are very beautiful and deserve to be seen.
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